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Opening of the 2023 Online Thematic Academy (TA) Training Activities for Teachers and Education Personnel Batch 3

Nasional 04 April 2023 111

BPPTIK - The Office of Information and Communication Technology Training and Research (BPPTIK) has conducted Batch 3 of Online "2023 Thematic Academy (TA) Training for Teachers and Education Personnel" with the themes Office Applications and Graphic Design. The training took place from 27 March to 3 April 2023 and was attended by 422 participants consisting of teachers and education personnel. Nine lecturers from Jakarta State Polytechnic (Politeknik Negeri Jakarta) and Pamulang University were assigned as trainers.

The opening ceremony was carried out on Monday, 27 March, and began with a report from the organizing committee, Luhur Pidekso Arif. The opening was also attended by the Head of the Human Resources Development on Communications and Informatics (Balitbang SDM Kominfo), teaching staff, and training participants.

The training was officially opened by the Head of Balitbang SDM Kominfo, Hary Budiarto. In his presentation, he stated that the Thematic Academy (TA) program aims to create skilled workers in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to increase the nation's productivity and competitiveness in the current 4.0 Industrial Era. In its implementation, the Ministry of Communication and Information has involved several related parties ranging from academics, industry, to communities, including teachers and education personnel, based on each theme.

The success of the learning process is inseperable from the presence of a teacher. This is indicated by the percentage of teachers meeting the qualifications according to national standards based on education levels. This indicator provides information regarding the quality of teachers and monitors efforts regulated by both central and regional governments to improve the quality of teachers. Based on BPS Education Statistics for 2022, there are 2,946,611 teachers from elementary schools (SD) to high schools (SMA/SMK). To support these teachers in fulfilling their duties, ICT skills are necessary, especially Office Applications and Graphic Design, which are implemented in the Thematic Academy Program.
